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XoraPay Ltd, a respected Money Services Business (MSB) licensed by FinTRAC Canada and located at 1853-1771 Robson St, Vancouver BC V6G 3B7, is committed to preventing money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism through stringent Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) policies.

Our Commitment

We adhere to the highest standards of regulatory compliance to ensure the integrity and security of our financial transactions and customer relationships.

AML/KYC Policy Framework

  • Customer Identification and Verification: We implement rigorous KYC procedures to verify the identity of our customers and understand the nature of their financial activities.

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Regular monitoring of transactions to identify and report any suspicious activities in accordance with FinTRAC guidelines.

  • Risk Management: We conduct thorough risk assessments of our customers and their transactions, adjusting our monitoring and control systems accordingly.

  • Compliance Training: Regular training programs for our employees to ensure they are equipped to identify and handle potential money laundering or terrorist financing activities.

  • Record Keeping: Maintaining detailed records of customer identification, transactions, and due diligence measures for a minimum of five years, as required by law.

Reporting and Compliance

XoraPay Ltd is committed to full cooperation with regulatory bodies, ensuring timely and comprehensive reporting of suspicious activities to FinTRAC and other relevant authorities.

Contact Information

For more information on our AML/KYC policies or to report any concerns, please contact us at Our dedicated compliance team is committed to upholding the highest standards of financial security and regulatory adherence.

XoraPay Ltd is dedicated to providing a safe and secure platform for all its customers, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed regulatory requirements, safeguarding the financial system from misuse.